How Cost calculator works
Add products
This is the first step of the process, and you can add products in the form below existing products table. For each product you will have to enter:
- Product name, which can be any any name you want, just for visual purposes don't make it too long. It's mandatory to enter.
- Daily production volume, which represents a planned or historic value of how much product you plan or already produce PER 1 DAY. It's mandatory to enter.
- Product measurment,is the unit type in which you measure your product, it can be for eg.: pcs, kg, lit, or any other unit.It's max 3 charachters long. It's mandatory to enter.
- Product description, if you have any other description or a note regardin each product, you can place it here. It's NOT mandatory to enter.
Edit product
If you want to edit your product entry simply click on a pencil at the far right of each product entry (see image below). Information for editing will be loaded in the form below in which you can change information and click Edit product.
Delete product
If you want to delete your entry click on a trash can at the far right of each product entry(see image below).
Add direct costs
When you enter each product, you will automatically be given a form for Direct cost entry below product section. When you want to add a new cost you simply go to the form and fill in the info:
- Direct cost name, which can be any any name you want, just for visual purposes don't make it too long. It's mandatory to enter.
- Direct cost type, which is a drop down from you can choose between 5 options.Which ever you choose will be treated as Direct cost,but some of these costs can also be Overhead cost, such are Energy and admin. Whether you enter them as direct or overheads will depend of your treatment and calculation of the cost. Example:If you know your machine uses 1kw, and kw is 1$ to make a single product you can enter it as a direct cost, and rest of electricity cost you will enter as an overheads ,but if you don't want or can't separate electricity you can enter it just as an overhead cost something like 1000$ for a period of 30 days. It's mandatory to enter.
- Units per product,here you enter how many units of this cost goes into one product. It's mandatory to enter.
- Unit value, here you enter a value of single unit of cost. It's mandatory to enter.
- Example: In our Bakery we have a product Bread type1, which is a 0,25kg(250g), so we use 0,24 kg(240g) of flover, and 1kg of flower costs 1$, and all the other costs share the same principle (see below).
Edit direct costs
If you want to edit your direct cost entry simply click on a pencil at the far right of each cost entry. Information for editing will be loaded in the form below in which you can change information and click Edit cost.
Delete direct costs
If you want to delete your entry click on a trash can at the far right of each product entry.
Add overhead costs
Adding overhead costs is the last step of the process in which you need to enter this info:
- Overhead cost name. which can be any any name you want, just for visual purposes don't make it too long. It's mandatory to enter.
- Cost period(days). This where you enter a period of time in a number of days, for which you know exactly the value of the cost. It can be any number of days. It's mandatory to enter.
- Period value, is the value of the cost for a given period of days. It's mandatory to enter.
- Example: In our Bakery example we have a Sales-bakary cost which represents a person selling our products, and we pay that person 1500$ a month (Cost period(days) is 30 and Period value is 1500). You could enter this cost as (Cost period(days) is 1 and Period value is 50) with the same effect.
Edit overhead costs
If you want to edit your overhead cost entry simply click on a pencil at the far right of each cost entry. Information for editing will be loaded in the form below in which you can change information and click Edit cost.
Delete overhead costs
If you want to delete your entry click on a trash can at the far right of each product entry.
After you have enter all the costs at the very bottom you will get a table like this(see below), in which you will have information about total cost direct cost per product, overhead costs per product, total cost per product, and and percentage of direct and overhead cost in the total cost. NOTE: This calculator uses combined daily production to assign overhead cost equally for each product. NOTE: Taxes of any kind are NOT included in the calculation.